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The Ancient Egyptian civilization

The Ancient Egyptian civilization is important to study because of advanced culture and the many relics that can be learned. There are some fields that can be learned form Egypt:
·         Social life and class structure: the different classes of Egyptian society.
·         Writing System: the discovery of paper, the art of picture writing called Hieroglyphics.
·         Government System: The people were ruled by kings who were called the “Pharaohs” and Egypt was divided into two kingdoms called the upper and lower kingdoms.
·         Artistic Expression: the various art forms of Egyptian culture (visual arts, music, dance, drama, etc.)
·         Architecture: Egyptian civilization is renowned for its colossal pyramids, temples and monumental tombs. Well-known examples are the Pyramid of Djoser designed by ancient architect and engineer Imhotep, the Sphinx, and the temple of Abu Simbel.
·         Religion: theEgyptians worships a large number of gods and they believed in life after death.
·         Cities: The great majority of the people live near the banks of the Nile River.
·         Advanced Technology: the egyptians used boats made from papyrus reeds to fish in the Nile river with the help of nets and hooks.
·         Specialized Occupations:they work in agriculture, trade, engineers.
source: wikipedia


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