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Textbook selection is important because the way of thinking, behaving, and output of the students is counting on the textbook chosen. The teacher and parents hold an important role in selecting the textbook. The textbooks must be appropriate for the standard age stage; kids, children and teenagers. For adults, they can choose the books which are appropriate to their need and interest. The youngest children who are from birth up to three years like to read book consist of simple words which can be easily understood by them, and a lot of picture. Children who are five to twelve years old like to read not only a story or book which has colorful pictures and simple language but also which consists of rhyme and repetition. Teenagers are children who are twelve to nineteen years old. They love reading a book whose some pictures are in it. Some books have pictures which are colorful no more for example science and social books. Adult prefer reading a book introducing a new ideas, cultures, and subjects. The teacher and parents should know what and how to choose the appropriate textbooks.
Keywords: Textbooks, Appropriate Textbooks.

I.       Introduction
In teaching learning process, it is insisted that the teacher use appropriate textbooks for the pupils because the textbooks used by will affect behavior, way of thinking and output of learning process of the students. The textbooks must be suitable for the kids, children, teenagers, and adult learner. When selecting the textbooks, both teacher and parents should consider need of the students or children as they still need guide.

II.    Definition of Textbooks
Textbooks are manual of instruction in any branch of study. According to Hornby (1987:893), textbooks are book giving instruction in a branch of learning. Moreover, textbooks represent “the visible heart of any ELT program” (Sheldon in Yasemin, 2009:2) forming the basis for much of the language input learners receive in the classroom. Richards (in Yasemin 2009:2) suggests that in some situations, textbooks may provide the basis for the content of the lessons, and the kind of language practice the students take part in. In other situations, textbooks may supplement the teacher’s instruction. For learners, the textbook may provide the major source of contact they have with the language apart from input provided by the teacher. Textbook may also serve as a kind of teacher training in that they provide ideas on how to teach lessons.

III.  Textbooks For Students Age
A.    Kids
The youngest children who are from birth up to three years like to read book consist of simple words which can be easily understood by them, and a lot of picture. According to Demand Media (2011), starting with the youngest children from birth through three--the best books are short with lots of colorful pictures. This includes the ABC type of books, counting books, or simple rhyming stories. Children are not ready for complicated plots. Their attention span is very short. Young children are visual and respond to bright primary colors and big pictures which bring out their emotions and stimulate their imagination. Powell and Smith (2010) add that Bright pictures, repetition and rhymes are all enjoyable for the youngest children, suggests Reading is Fundamental. Use books to help reinforce learning activities, including numbers or the ABC.
A child who is three to four years old starts to have a good attention. A preschool child from 3 to 4 years old has a slightly longer attention span. They'll enjoy the early reader, longer picture books, rhyming stories, and stories about people and places familiar to them. Kindergarten age children will benefit from longer stories but still with a lot of pictures to hold their interest. (Demand Media: 2011)
Example of the books:

B.     Children
Children who are five to twelve years old like to read not only a story or book which has colorful pictures and simple language but also which consists of rhyme and repetition. How states that young children love rhyme and repetition and want to hear the stories again and again and say aloud the repetitive phrases themselves. This type of book teaches the rhythm and flow of language, and young child will especially love and that fit his personality For example, if your child is crazy about dogs, it goes without saying that he will love dog-related books. At this young age, many children love to learn about objects and animals.(eHow Contributor:2011) Children in third through sixth grade may enjoy historical fiction, non-fiction, humor and fantasy novels.(Powell and Smith:2010)
Example of the books:

C.    Teenagers
Teenagers are children who are twelve to nineteen years old. They love reading a book whose some pictures are in it. Some books have pictures which are colorful no more for example science and social books. The language used in the textbooks is intermediate level.

Example of the book:
D.    Adults
Adult prefer reading a book introducing a new ideas, cultures, and subjects. As stated in, advanced reader will continue to excel if the books selected introduce different subjects, cultures, and ideas. Just as it is a good idea to check if the vocabulary in a book is too advanced, it is also important for the books to introduce new vocabulary. Selecting books to create reading lists from different genres, such as nonfiction, poetry, science fiction, and mystery will not only showcase different vocabularies, but also present new worlds of possibility and learning.(Anonymous:2011)

Example of book:

IV. Selecting the Appropriate Textbooks
A.    For Kids, Children, and Teenagers
These are some suggestion when choosing appropriate book for kids and children (Demand Media: 2011):
1.      Look at and see the book if an age is given.
2.      At a bookstore ask a clerk for help in selecting the best books for the age of the child or children you are buying for.
3.      Ask a librarian for suggested books for the child's age.
4.      Take the child with you and see what books are selected.
5.      If your child is in school ask the teacher for a suggested reading list. The school media person also can help you.

B.     For Adult
These are some suggestion when choosing appropriate book for adults (Anonymous: 2011):
·         Series
Advanced readers tend to be voracious, reading three to four times more books in a year than average readers, which makes series a great choice. If you find a novel in a series that your child is interested in, check that the content is appropriate and then you can probably let her loose reading the whole series of books. Add them all to her reading lists!
·         Books About Exceptional People
Many advanced readers are gifted in other subjects and may feel isolated or different from other children their age. Books about geniuses and exceptional children (both nonfiction and fiction) are great choices for your Childs reading lists.
·         Poetry
To get your fast reader to slow down and notice the wonderful nuances of language, poetry is a superb choice. Poems are rich with unusual words and metaphors that show your child new and different ways that language can be used and give inherent lessons in meter and rhyme.
·         Award Winners
The Newbery Awards, given annually to the best of children's literature, are great books for advanced readers. Most are written from the point of view of adolescents, and deal with major issues such as moving, growing up, sickness, poverty, and death. Also consider Coretta Scott King Award winners, which honor books that "promote an understanding of the American dream" written by authors of African descent. For older readers, use the Michael L. Printz Award for Teen Literature to find excellent reads for your child's reading lists.
·         Adult Fiction
Most likely, your advanced reader is eager to choose his own books, including adult fiction. Adult fiction can be a wonderful choice and should be encouraged, though you will probably want to check reviews and blurbs of the books to make sure the novel doesn't hold any content you object to. Some parents believe that children's reading choices shouldn't be censored, while others feel it is okay to say no to books. Whichever side you stand on, guide him to the books you loved in high school and connect with your child as you discuss and rediscover great literature.

V.    Conclusion
Teachers and parents hold important roles in choosing the appropriate textbooks for their students and children. The textbooks chosen are based on the contents or criteria which are suitable for the age of the pupils and children. The kids enjoy reading the colorful textbooks. Children and teenagers love reading the imagination textbooks, so that they have favorite character of that textbook. Adult prefers the books which offer new ideas, cultures, and subjects with advanced language.

VI. References
Anonymous.2011.Choosing Books for Your Advanced Reader, available at:, accessed on October 21, 2011 at 3:05 pm
AS Hornby.1987.Oxford Advanced Dictionary of Current English. Britain: Oxford University Press.
Demand Media.2011.How parents can find the best age appropriate book lists for elementary age children available at:
eHow Contributor.2011.How to Choose Appropriate Books for Preschool Children available at:
Michelle Powell and Smith.2010.How To Find The Appropriate Level Of Children's Books available at:, accessed on October 21, 2011 at 2:58 pm.Sheldon in Yasemin Kırkgöz.2009.Evaluating the English textbooks for young learners of English at Turkish primary education.
O’Neill in Yasemin Kırkgöz.2009.Evaluating the English textbooks for young learners of English atTurkish primary education.
Richard in in Yasemin Kırkgöz.2009.Evaluating the English textbooks for young learners of English atTurkish primary education.


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