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1.       X      : …………… that?
Y      : Oh, that’s Miss Patricia.
a.     What’s
b.     How’s
c.     Who’s
d.     Why’s

2.       X      : How’s is it going?
Y      : …………….
a.     I’m studying.
b.     I’m going to train station.
c.     It’s going to rain.
d.     Pretty good.

3.       X      : How do you spell your name?
Y      : …………….
a.     S-T-E-V-E
b.     It’s Steve Morales
c.     Everybody calls me Steve
d.     My name’s really nice.

4.       What do you do?
a.     I’m a construction worker.
b.     I’m doing my homework.
c.     I will take people on tours.
d.     I do what I do.

5.       I serve passenger in an airline. I’m a …………….
a.    chef
b.    carpenter
c.     flight attendant
d.    nurse

6.       Mrs. Emily cooks food in a restaurant. She’s a ………….
a.     chef
b.     carpenter
c.     flight attendant
d.     nurse
7.       Fred is a student. He …………….. fashion design
a.       has
b.       is
c.        studies
d.       work

8.       I have lunch …………. three …………… the afternoon …………… Fridays
a.       at, on, in
b.       on, in, at
c.        in, at, on
d.       at, in, on
9.       ………….. you from Netherland?
a.       Do
b.       Are
c.        What
d.       Where
10.    Where’s the Laundromat?
a.       Yes, it is.
b.       It’s over there
c.        You can wash your clothes there.
d.       It’s expensive.


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