This list is devoted to providing information on 27 free-online-access refereed journals to language teachers, teacher educators, scholars, and researchers. For undergraduate and graduate students majoring in TESOL/TESL/TEFL and English education, the list is of great help to getting scholarly sources for research/final-term paper, thesis, and dissertation projects. The articles of the respective journal below are fully downloaded in either an html or PDF format. The web addresses of the journals are provided to allow a quick search. The following journals are alphabetically arranged.
(1) Asian EFL Journal (ISSN 1738-1460)
The Asian EFL Journal is published monthly and presents information, theories, research, methods and materials related to language acquisition and language learning. This journal is one of the world’s leading refereed and indexed journals for teaching and learning English. It provides a unique and major forum devoted to discussions on English as an International Language research and development. Our global readership includes linguists, teachers, students of language acquisition and others with a professional interest in English second language acquisition. Journals are produced on-line and in hard cover. Our goal is to bring the highest quality SLA research to the global academic audience. We warmly invite you as a regular reader and/or contributor.
(2) Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching (ISSN: 0219-9874)
e-FLT is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Centre for Language Studies of the National University of Singapore. Its primary objective is to disseminate scholarly information on research and development in the field of Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning in Asia and beyond. It publishes articles and book reviews in English as well as in any of the following nine languages taught at the Centre for Language Studies: Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Indonesian, Malay, Tamil, Thai and Vietnamese. It will also welcome any information on upcoming academic conferences, seminars or symposiums as a service to its readers. It is unique in that it is multilingual and practices the policy of accepting and publishing articles in ten different languages.
(3) English Teaching: Practice & Critique (ISSN: 1175-8708)
English Teaching: Practice and Critique is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at encouraging critical reflective practice and classroom-based research. It seeks to promote theorising about English/literacy that is grounded in a range of contexts: classrooms, schools and wider educational constituencies. It provides a place where authors from a range of backgrounds can identify matters of common concern and thereby foster professional communities and networks. Where possible, it encourages comparative approaches to topics and issues. To this end, each issue deals with a distinct topic or issue. The “Topical Articles” section of the journal is peer-reviewed, and there is also a peer review process for “Classroom Narratives”, a section which provides a forum for the stories and concerns of classroom teachers to be aired and shared. In addition, the journal invites “Articles in Dialogue”, which may not be on the topic of the issue but can be seen as entering into dialogue with articles in preceding issues. The journal also invites “Review Articles”, where reviewers nominated by the Review Editor engage with recently published texts which are deemed to be pertinent to the journal’s readership.
(4) English Teaching Forum (ISSN: 1559-6621)
English Teaching Forum is an international, refereed journal published by the U.S. Department of State for teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL). Forum accepts submissions of previously unpublished articles from English teachers, teacher trainers, and program administrators on a wide variety of topics in second/foreign language education, including principles and methods of language teaching; activities and techniques for teaching the language skills and subskills; classroom-based studies and action research; needs analysis, curriculum and syllabus design; assessment, testing, and evaluation; teacher training and development; materials writing; and English for Specific Purposes. Most of the articles published in Forum are submitted by its readers.
(5) Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (ISSN 1083-6101)
The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication is a web-based journal that publishes scholarship on computer-mediated communication. Broadly interdisciplinary in scope, the JCMC publishes mostly empirical research making use of social science methods, which should be presented according to the accepted standards for each method. Although the field of computer-mediated communication research is still young, successful original research submissions are expected to include comprehensive literature reviews, and to be theoretically grounded and methodologically rigorous, in addition to advancing new knowledge in innovative ways. Reviews, syntheses, and meta-analyses of prior research are also welcome, as are proposals for special issues.
(6) Journal of Effective Teaching (ISSN: 1935-7869)
The Journal of Effective Teaching is a peer reviewed electronic journal devoted to the discussion of teaching excellence in colleges and universities. JET will publish two regular issues per year and possibly a special issue on a current topic. The regular issues will contain articles in two broad Content Areas: effective teaching and the scholarship of teaching. We invite contributors to share their insights in pedagogy, innovations in teaching and learning, and classroom experiences in the form of a scholarly communication. We are particularly interested in topics addressed in the particular Content Areas described at this site, including empirical research on pedagogy, innovations in teaching and learning, and classroom experiences.
(7) Journal of English as an International Language (ISSN: 1718-2298)
The Journal of English as an International Language is a refereed publication which aims at providing on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of English as an International language. The Journal studies the structure and development of English across the globe, and in particular, its relationship to and effect on cultures and other languages. The Journal of English as an International Language is the sister journal to the long established Asian EFL Journal.
(8) Journal of Language and Learning (ISSN: 1740-4983)
This journal belongs to e-JLL journals associated with Journal of Language and Linguistics and Journal of Language and Literature is free access refereed journals. The Journals will initially be published online. The Journals will appear in regular issues; however, there may also be special issues reflecting areas of particular academic interest. The scope of the journals includes both theoretical and applied topics in language studies, linguistics, literature and language teaching.
(9) Journal of Language and Linguistics (ISSN: 1475-8989)
See Journal of Language and Learning.
(10) Journal of Language and Literature (ISSN: 1475-8989)
See Journal of Language and Learning.
(11) Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies (ISSN: 1305-578X)
Journal of Language and Linguistics Studies is an interdisciplinary, professional academic journal aiming to involve scholars not only from Turkey, but also from all international academic and Professional community. The journal provides a platform for different theoretical and thematic approaches to (a) linguistics: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, semiotics, and stylistics and (b) language teaching: the teaching of native language, the teaching of Turkish as a foreign/second Language, and foreign/second language teaching. Authors may write their articles both in English and Turkish. The editors seek manuscripts that (a) develop theoretical, conceptual, or methodological approaches to language and linguistics; (b) present results of empirical research that advance the understanding of language and linguistics; (c) explore innovative policies and programs and describe and evaluate strategies for future action; and analyze issues of current interest.
(12) Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (ISSN: 1558-9528)
The MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT) is a peer-reviewed, online publication addressing the scholarly use of multimedia resources in education. JOLT is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. JOLT welcomes papers on all aspects of the use of online multimedia educational resources for learning and teaching. Topics may include, but are not limited to: learning theory and the use of multimedia to improve student learning; instructional design theory and application; online learning and teaching initiatives; use of technology in online education; innovative online learning and teaching practices.
(13) Korea TESOL Journal (ISSN: 1598-0464)
The Korea TESOL Journal is a refereed academic journal concerned with teaching English as a foreign language and related issues. Files of past issues are available for viewing and downloading. Korea TESOL Journal, a refereed journal, welcomes previously unpublished practical and theoretical articles on topics of significance to individuals concerned with the teaching of English as a foreign language. Areas of interest include: (1) classroom-centered research, (2) second language acquisition, (3) teacher training, (4) cross-cultural studies, (5) teaching and curriculum methods, and (6) testing and evaluation.
(14) Language Learning & Technology (ISSN: 1094-3501)
Language Learning & Technology is a refereed journal which began publication in July 1997. The journal seeks to disseminate research to foreign and second language educators in the US and around the world on issues related to technology and language education.
Language Learning & Technology is seeking submissions of previously unpublished manuscripts on any topic related to the area of language learning and technology. Articles should be written so that they are accessible to a broad audience of language educators, including those individuals who may not be familiar with the particular subject matter addressed in the article. General guidelines are available for reporting on both quantitative and qualitative research.
(15) Reading in a Foreign Language (ISSN: 1359-0578)
Reading in a Foreign Language has established itself as an excellent source for the latest developments in the field, both theoretical and pedagogic, including improving standards for foreign language reading. This fully-refereed journal is published twice a year, in April and October. The editors seek manuscripts concerning both the practice and theory of learning to read and the teaching of reading in any foreign or second language. Reviews of scholarly books and teaching materials, conference reports, and discussions are also solicited. The language of the journal is English, but lexical citations of languages other than English are acceptable. Additionally, the journal encourages research submissions about reading in languages other than English. From time to time, special issues are published on themes of relevance to our readers. Please see our submission guidelines for more information.
(16) ReCall Journal (ISSN 0958-3440)
ReCALL is a fully-refereed journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of EUROCALL. It is issued three times a year in January, May and September and is also available online to subscribers. The May issue normally contains selected papers from the previous year’s EUROCALL conference. The journal contains articles relating to theoretical debate on language learning strategies and their influence on practical courseware design and integration, as well as regular software reviews. Back issues of ReCALL from 1996-1999 (Vol 8 to Vol 11) are available online in PDF format, but no longer in print.
(15) Reading in a Foreign Language (ISSN: 1359-0578)
Journal of Reflections on English Language Teaching or RELT is an international-refereed publication of the Centre for English Language Communication, National University of Singapore. It aims to explore the range of issues of current concern to those who teach and do research in the field of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or as a Second Language (ESL) in Asia and other regions. RELT is particularly interested in studies with sound theoretical frameworks and clear pedagogical implications and/or applications in the following areas: new materials or materials preparation; classroom practice or activities that are innovative and motivating; testing techniques and/or evaluation; needs assessment; curriculum design and development and learning/teaching strategies with the application of IT; impact of language/educational policies on classroom practice; second language writing and reading; cultural dimensions of language teaching and learning.
(18) TESOL Law Journal (ISSN 1833-2986)
The Journal devoted to discussions on legal and ethical issues that encompass all aspects in TESOL. As the TESOL profession develops and advances, we believe it is imperative to complement the academic advancement with legal advancement. We look forward to having you as a regular reader and / or contributor. This journal is developing (a) Ethics in the second & foreign language classroom, (b) The TESOL Code of Ethics, (c) TESOL teachers and the law, (d) Academic malpractice, (e) Laws impacting on the TESOL teacher, (f) International law and the SLA teacher, (g) Employment laws for TESOL teachers, (h) Immigration laws and rules for TESOL teachers, (i) Internet laws,
(j) Collateral areas such as ESP and the Law, and (k) The TESOL Certificate Industry.
(19) TESL-EJ (ISSN:1072-4303)
TESL-EJ is fully refereed–each article undergoes a review by at least two knowledgeable scholars. Our goal is to shorten the time from submission to publication significantly from what has become the norm in print journals. We aim for a decision in 6 weeks (although ‘human factors’ occasionally cause delays). We hope to broaden our range of participation. We invite you to submit an article for consideration, to review a book, software, or website, or to serve as a reviewer for manuscripts that are submitted. If you cannot help in this way, we hope that you will share with us the mission of making TESL-EJ known throughout the world as a dynamic and reliable source of research and information in English as a Second or Foreign Language.
(20) The African EFL Journal (ISSN: 1738-1460)\
Welcome to the African EFL Journal. The Journal is a refereed publication which aims at providing on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of English as an International language. The African English as a Foreign Language Journal studies the structure and development of English across the Africa, and in particular, its relationship to and effect on local culture and local African languages. The Journal is the sister journal to the long established Asian EFL Journal.
(21) The Asian ESP Journal (1833-3001)
The Journal studies the structure and development of English across the globe, and in particular, its relationship to the special and specific purposes of English. This peer reviewed online Journal is your first step to understanding English for Specific Purposes in Asia. We look forward to having you as a regular reader or contributor. Topics such as the following may be treated from the perspective of English for Specific Purposes: second language acquisition in specialized contexts, occupational needs assessment, ESP curriculum development and evaluation for growing areas of ESP such as: English for Academic Purposes, English for Specific Purposes, Business English, Nursing English, Flight Attendant English, Hotel Industry English, Global EIL English, Legal English, and Tourism English. We also invite works on ESP materials’ preparation, teaching and testing techniques, the effectiveness of various approaches to language learning within the ESP context, and teaching of ESP within the culture of the learning zone. The journal welcomes articles that identify aspects of ESP that are both growing and needing growth development, as well as areas into which the practice of ESP is being expanded.
(22) The English Teacher (ISSN: 0128-7729)
THE ENGLISH TEACHER promotes effective English language teaching and learning and is intended for teachers and instructors who are primarily involved in teaching schoolchildren and adults. This is a refereed print-based journal published once a year. Authors are invited to submit articles that provide practical techniques and strategies for ELT, identify effective classroom-tested instructional techniques and/or provide descriptions of procedures that can be implemented in classrooms with a variety of students. Articles may also focus on insights and understanding about ELT research and its application to the classroom. The article must be accompanied by an abstract and a biodata of the author(s).
(23) The International Journal of Language, Society, and Culture (ISSN 1327-774X)
Language, Society and Culture (LSC) is a refereed international internet journal publishing articles and reports dealing with theoretical as well as practical issues focusing on the link between language, society and culture within a socio-cultural context or beyond its boundary. The Journal welcomes papers dealing with the following areas which reflect the relationship between language, society and culture: general linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, discourse analysis and critical discourse analysis (CDA), language and learning, interpersonal and intercultural communication, and second language learning.
(24) The Internet TESL Journal: For Teachers of English as a Second Language
This electronic journal publishes articles, lessons and lesson plans, classroom handouts, and useful classroom aids aimed at helping teachers teach better.
(25) The Linguistic Journal (ISSN: 1718-2298)
Linguistics is the scientific study of language, as such it is comprised of the study of the structure and development of a particular language and its relationship to other languages, the connection between language and mind, the relation between language and society and many other fields. The Linguistics Journal is the sister journal to the long established Asian EFL Journal. We look forward to having you as a regular reader and or contributor.
(26) The Reading Matrix (ISSN: 1533-242X)
The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal is a peer-reviewed professional journal with an editorial board of scholars in the fields of second language acquisition and applied linguistics. The journal seeks to disseminate research to educators around the world. It is interested in exploring issues related to L2 reading, L2 literacy in a broader sense, and other issues related to second language learning and teaching. This publication was created as an interactive journal, not an electronic version of a traditional print publication. The journal is published twice a year exclusively on the World Wide Web. We encourage educators and researchers to submit articles on a variety of topics dealing with second language literacy and applied linguistics. We also encourage authors to submit book reviews and software reviews.
(27) The South Asian Journal of Postcolonial English Language Pedagogy (ISSN 1718- 2298)
The Journal is a refereed publication which aims at providing on-line access to all those involved in the research, teaching and learning of English as an International language.
The South Asian Journal of Postcolonial English Language Pedagogy is a unique journal dedicated to various aspects of the teaching and learning of the English language in the decolonized countries in South Asia. It aims to talk about the changed contexts of English language education in the wake of globalization, democratization and decolonization. The Journal is the sister journal to the long established Asian EFL Journal.
(28) The Qualitative Report (ISSN 1052-0147)
The Qualitative Report (ISSN 1052-0147) is a peer-reviewed, on-line monthly journal devoted to writing and discussion of and about qualitative, critical, action, and collaborative inquiry and research. The Qualitative Report, the oldest multidisciplinary qualitative research journal in the world, serves as a forum and sounding board for researchers, scholars, practitioners, and other reflective-minded individuals who are passionate about ideas, methods, and analyses permeating qualitative, action, collaborative, and critical study. These pages are open to a variety of forms: original, scholarly activity such as qualitative research studies, critical commentaries, editorials, or debates concerning pertinent issues and topics; news of networking and research possibilities; and other sorts of journalistic and literary shapes which may interest and pique readers.
(29) Englisia journal (ISSN: 2339-2576)
Englisia Journal (EJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that will consider any original scientific article that expands the field of language studies in English Language Teaching and various other related applied linguistics themes. The journal publishes articles of interest to language teachers, practitioners and language researchers. Manuscripts must be original and educationally interesting to the audience in the field. The goal is to promote concepts and ideas developed in this area of study by publishing relevant peer-reviewed scientific information and discussion. This will help language practitioners to advance their knowledge for greater benefit and output in their professional contexts.
(30) Register Journal ((ISSN: 1979-8903)
REGISTER JOURNAL is derived from the word “REGISTER” which is well-known for a linguistic variety regarded as appropriate to use in a particular speech situation. (Kortmann 2005: 255f). (Source: Register (sociolinguistics). REGISTER JOURNAL has the perspectives of languages and language teachings. This journal aims at presenting and discussing some outstanding issues dealing with language and language teachings
(31) SiELE (Studies in English Language and Education) (ISSN: 2461-0275)
Studies in English Language and Education (SiELE) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Department of English Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
(32) IJAL: Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics (ISSN: 2502-6747)
Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics (pISSN: 2301-9468 and eISSN: 2502-6747) is a journal that publishes original papers researching or documenting issues in applied linguistics. It is published by UPT Balai Bahasa, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. This journal is indexed in DOAJ, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Scopus, and SINTA (S1). Since Volume 7, the journal has regularly published three times a year in January, May, and September. We accept original research, conceptual, and best practice articles related to applied linguistics. The language studied can be any language such as but not limited to Arabic, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, indigenous and modern languages. It is important to bear in mind that the official language of the journal is English.
(33) CELT: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature (ISSN: 2502-4914)
Celt: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching & Literature is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal, published biannually in the months of July and December with p-ISSN (printed): 1412-3320 & e-ISSN (electronic/online): 2502-4914. It presents articles around the area of culture, English language teaching and learning, linguistics, and literature. Contents include analysis, studies, applications of theories, research reports, and materials development. It is firstly published in December 2001. Ever since 2005 its manuscripts could be read online through By the year 2016, it launched its OJS (Open Journal System) through index.php/celt and from 2017 it is recorded in Crossref’s and in Based on the decree from Hasil Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah, SK Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementrian Riset Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia, No. 30/E/KPT/2018 with regards to the accreditation status of academic journals, dated on 24 October 2018, Celt is nationally accredited for the next five years as a Sinta 2 journal.
Originally compiled and prepared by Handoyo Widodo (November 2008)