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The Ancient Egyptian civilization

The Ancient Egyptian civilization is important to study because of advanced culture and the many relics that can be learned. There are some fields that can be learned form Egypt: ·          Social life and class structure : t he different classes of Egyptian society. ·          Writing System : the discovery of paper, the art of picture writing called Hieroglyphics. ·          Government System : The people were ruled by kings who were called the “Pharaohs” and Egypt was divided into two kingdoms called the upper and lower kingdoms. ·          Artistic Expression : the various art forms of Egyptian culture (visual arts, music, dance, drama, etc.) ·          Architecture : Egyptian civilization is renowned for its colossal pyramids , temples and monumental tombs. We...

The river culture

All civilizations depend on available water, but not all depend on rivers. Rivers also provided ancient societies with access to trade -- not only of products, but ideas, including language, writing, and technology. River-based irrigation permitted communities to specialize and develop, even in areas lacking adequate rainfall. For those cultures that depended on them, rivers were the life blood. A river civilization or river culture is an agricultural nation or civilization at a river. River civilizations are civilizations based around rivers. Some common examples are Ancient Egypt (Nile), the fertile crescent (Tigris/Euphrates), Ancient China (Yellow River) and Ancient India (Indus). Rivers provide a steady supply of drinking water. It also makes the land fertile for growing crops. Moreover, goods and people could be transported easily, and the people in these civilizations could hunt the animals that came to drink water. Also, they could catch fish in the rivers. In additi...


Farming becomes a good start for people or nation to create culture or civilization because Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization. The history of agriculture dates back thousands of years, and its development has been driven and defined by greatly different climates, cultures, and technologies. However, all farming generally relies on techniques to expand and maintain the lands that are suitable for raising domesticated species. For plants, this usually requires some form of irrigation, although there are methods of dry land farming; pastoral herding on rangeland is still the most common means of raising livestock. In the developed world, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture has become the dominant system of modern farming, although there is growing support for sustainable agriculture (e.g. perm culture or orga...


Much Deiniatur ( ) University of Ahmad Dahlan Abstract Reading   holds   the   important   rule   in learning english because   reading   is   one activity which can not be released from our live to search some information or knowledge from printed text. Thus, the students should have good reading skills. The writer uses the jigsaw tehcnique in teaching reading because By   using   jigsaw technique, they acquire basic knowledge. Then, they apply that knowledge in their expert groups to discuss the guiding questions. It also gives every student a chance to be an expert. They   are   forced   to   synthesize   their   previous   discussion   into   something   meaningful activities. Jigsaw   helps student to comprehend the text more effective in short time, beside that, by using jigsaw technique students is given the chance become an expert for...