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UTS Writing for Academic Purpose

A direct quotation can be found when a writer cites the exact words of an author and the words are presented within quotation marks. If the quotation marks are neglected, the writer can be accused of practicing plagiarism. If the direct quotation takes more than four lines in the text, it should be presented as a block quotation, which is separated from the paragraph, without quotation marks.
However, when a writer cites information by changing the original words, without changing the author’s message, he/she is said to paraphrase.
When a writer compresses an author’s published work, using as few sentences as possible, the result is called a summary.
Writing quotations, paraphrase, and Summary 
1.  Make a short quotation from a part of this book. 
2.  Make a block quotation from a part of this book.
3. Choose a statement in this book and paraphrase it.
4. Make a summary of a unit in this book.
Download this link

NB: 1.Silahkan Download buku dengan klick Download this link
       2. No.1-4 hanya membutuhkan satu paragraf saja.
       3. Harap menyertakan teks asli (original text) untuk No. 3 dan 4


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