Introduction Qualitative analysis is (or should be) a rigorous and logical process through which data are given meaning. According to Miles and Huberman (1994) qualitative studies have a quality of ‘undeniability’ because words have a more concrete and vivid flavor that is more convincing to the reader than pages of numbers. However, qualitative analysis has been criticized for being lacking in methodological rigor, prone to researcher subjectivity and based on small cases or limited evidence. We will explore how qualitative analysis addresses such problems later in this chapter. Qualitative analysis is (or should be) a rigorous and logical process through which data are given meaning. Through analysis, we can progress through an initial description of the data then, through a process of disaggregating the data into smaller parts, see how these connect into new concepts, providing the basis for a fresh description. Characteristic of qualitative research you ever taken any kind of resea...