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Showing posts from April, 2012

Collecting qualitative data

Introduction Qualitative analysis is (or should be) a rigorous and logical process through which data are given meaning. According to Miles and Huberman (1994) qualitative studies have a quality of ‘undeniability’ because words have a more concrete and vivid flavor that is more convincing to the reader than pages of numbers. However, qualitative analysis has been criticized for being lacking in methodological rigor, prone to researcher subjectivity and based on small cases or limited evidence. We will explore how qualitative analysis addresses such problems later in this chapter. Qualitative analysis is (or should be) a rigorous and logical process through which data are given meaning. Through analysis, we can progress through an initial description of the data then, through a process of disaggregating the data into smaller parts, see how these connect into new concepts, providing the basis for a fresh description. Characteristic of qualitative research you ever taken any kind of resea...


UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP FAKULTAS TAHUN AKADEMIK 2011/2012 PRGRAM MAGISTER PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS PROGRAM PASCA SARJANA UNIVERSITAS AHMAD DAHLAN YOGYAKARTA Mata kuliah : Culture and ELT)2 sks CLASS B Dosen Penguji: Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S. Hari dan tanggal: Kamis 26 ApriL 2012 Waktu : 90 menit Sifat Ujian : Buku Terbuka TAKE HOME EXAM Instructions l. Read every question carefully and then answer the question in the form of essay. You must give explanation, illustration, or argument to support your answer. 2. Do not work together. Be independent. 3. Read basmallah before you begin your work. Good luck. A. PART ONE 1. Lack of cross-cultural understanding can make someone make mistakes in communication with a foreigner? Do you agree? Why/ Explain. 2. Students often make many mistakes in speaking English. One of the reasons is that they often transfer the system of their mother tongue (L 1) into the target language ( L2). They might say to their teacher like thi...


TA. 2011/2012 TAKE HOME EXAM MATA KULIAH : METHODS OF TEFL SEMESTER / KELAS : III / A + B HARI / TANGGAL : SABTU / 21 APRIL 2012 WAKTU : 12.30 – 14.00 (90 MENIT) SIFAT : OPEN BOOKS DOSEN : DR. HJ. R.A. NOER DODDY IRMAWATI, DRA., M.HUM =============================================================== DIRECTIONS Do all the questions given in clear and complete statements. The clear and briefly answers will be appreciated. 1. What is method? and What is TEFL? Describe them as clear as possible. 2. Tell briefly the relationship between method and TEFL. 3. Do you think that method is important in teaching English, why? What is the best method of teaching English?

Cross Cultural Understanding in ELT *

By Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S. Once, an amateur tourist guide who was also a foreign language (English) student in Yogyakarta felt embarrassed because he received an unsympathetic response from a tourist whom he greeted on the street. At a glance, the amateur guide had a fairly good English mastery because his sentence was grammatical and his pronunciation was good enough. However, how could it be? While a tourist was riding a bike, the tourist guide followed him giving a greeting “Where are you going, Sir”. Without looking back, the tourist continued riding his bike and said, ”Mind your business!” (It means “take care of your own job” or “Urusi dirimu sendiri”). Feeling embarrassed, the amateur tourist guide stopped running and went to a shady place. If we analyze the event we can say that the tourist guide did not make a grammatical mistake in his sentence. However, he made a mistake that was related to cultural aspect(s). In Indonesian culture, the question “Mau ke ma...


By Much Deiniatur In an English course, there are four skills that must be taught by teachers, namely: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Reading activities needs accuracy to understand words in each paragraph so they know true information. Learners needs accuracy structure in arranges words in writing skills. listening needs accuracy in analyse what native speaker’s say. Speaking needs accuracy in pronounce English words and intonation. Reading is one of language skills. Teachers have to teach reading words, phrases, sentences, or texts in English. Reading skill is taught by teachers to make students have a lot of understanding of vocabulary. According to Webster’s Ninth collegiate dictionary (1978), vocabulary is: a.)A list or collection of words and phrase usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined, b.) A sum or stock of words employed by a language group individual or a work or in a field of knowledge, c.) A list or collection of terms or codes available for us...


Khittah Perjuangan merupakan paradigma gerakan atau manhaj yang merupakan penjelasan utuh tentang pilihan ideologis, yaitu prinsip-prinsip penting dan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh HMI sebagai tafsir utuh antara azas, tujuan, usaha dan independensi HMI. Definisi ini merupakan kelanjutan dan pengembangan dari berbagai tafsir azas yang pernah lahir dalam sejarahnya. Tercatat bahwa sejak didirikanya di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 14 Rabiul Awal 1366 H atau 5 Pebruari 1947 M, HMI pernah memakai sejumlah tafsir azas seperti; tafsir azas HMI (1957), Kepribadian HMI atau Citra Diri (1963), Garis-garis Pokok Perjuangan (1967) dan Nilai-nilai Dasar Perjuangan (1969). ASAS 1.Keyakinan Muslim 2.Wawasan Ilmu 3.Wawasan Sosial 4.Kepemimpinan 5.Etos Perjuangan 6.Hari Kemudian TUJUAN 1. Hakekat Tujuan HMI Frasa kalimat “terbinanya mahasiswa menjadi insan ulil albab …………” 1.Hanya takut kepada Allah 2.Tekun beribadah tiap waktu 3.Bersungguh-sungguh mencari ilmu, 4.Mampu mengambil hikmah atas anugerah Allah 5...


Much Deiniatur Ahmad Dahlan University Abstarct Vocabulary should be considered as an integral part of learning a foreign language since it leads the way to communication. It also should be rocognized as a central element in language instruction from the begining stages. Vocabulary helps the learner more not only reading comprehension, but also in achieving more survival communication. A lexical item is a single unit belonging to some lexical category, having an identifiable meaning or grammatical function and fairly consistent phonological shape. The lexical approach makes a distinction between vocabulary traditionally understood as a stock of individual words with fixed meanings and lexis which includes not only the single words, but also the word combinations that we keep in our mental lexicons. At times, language teaching methodologies have attached great importance to vocabulary learning, and sometimes it has been neglected. In practice, grammar and pronunciation are at the core ...