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Collecting qualitative data


Qualitative analysis is (or should be) a rigorous and logical process through which data are given meaning. According to Miles and Huberman (1994) qualitative studies have a quality of ‘undeniability’ because words have a more concrete and vivid flavor that is more convincing to the reader than pages of numbers. However, qualitative analysis has been criticized for being lacking in methodological rigor, prone to researcher subjectivity and based on small cases or limited evidence. We will explore how qualitative analysis addresses such problems later in this chapter. Qualitative analysis is (or should be) a rigorous and logical process through which data are given meaning. Through analysis, we can progress through an initial description of the data then, through a process of disaggregating the data into smaller parts, see how these connect into new concepts, providing the basis for a fresh description.
Characteristic of qualitative research you ever taken any kind of research method course, you come to qualitative methods class already knowing about research, Media and popular culture, particularly television and radio news, as well as print media. There are five features of qualitative research as we define it.
1. Naturalistic, qualitative research actual setting as the direct source of data and the researcher is the key instrument. The words naturalistic come from ecological approaches from biology. Researchers enter and spend considerable time in school, families, neighborhoods and other locals about educational concern. Qualitative researchers go to the particular setting under study because they are concern with context. When the data with which they are concerned are produce by informants, as in the case as official records, qualitative researchers want to know where, how, and under circumstances they come into being.

2. Descriptive data. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected take the form of words or pictures rather than numbers. The written results of the research contain quotation from the data to illustrate and substantiate the presentation. In collecting descriptive data, qualitative researchers approach the world in nit picking way. The qualitative researcher approach demand that the world be examined with the assumption that nothing is trivial, that everything has the potential of being the clue that might unlock a more comprehensive understanding of what is being studied. Descriptive data are particularly important because qualitative methods enable researchers study what people take for granted. The researchers focus on how people’s assumption about the ways life is organize propel them throughout their daily activities.

3. Concern with process. Qualitative researchers are concern with process rather than simply with outcomes or products. The qualitative emphasis on process has been particularly beneficial in educational research in clarifying the self-fulfilling prophecy, the idea that students’ cognitive performance in school is affected by teachers’ expectation of them (Roshental & Jacobson, 1968). Qualitative strategies have suggested just how the expectations are translated into daily activities, procedures, and interactions. The day-to-day process is richly portrayed (Rist, 1970)
4. Inductive. Qualitative researchers tend to analyze their data inductively. The theory is grounded the data. As a qualitative researcher planning to develop some kind of theory about what you have been studying, the direction will travel comes after you have been collecting the data, after you spent time with your subjects. The process of data analysis is like a funnel: things are open at the beginning (or top) and more directed and specific at the bottom.

5. Meaning. Meaning is of essential concern to the qualitative approach. Researchers who use this approach are interested in how different people make sense of their lives. Qualitative researchers are concerned with making sure that they capture perspectives accurately.

Whether or not
• It is conducted through intense contact within a ‘field’ or real life setting.
• The researcher’s role is to gain a ‘holistic’ or integrated overview of the study, including the perceptions of participants.
• Themes that emerge from the data are often reviewed with informants for verification.
• The main focus of research is to understand the ways in which people act and account for these actions.
• Qualitative data are open to multiple interpretations (but some are more compelling than others either on theoretical grounds or because of internal consistency).
Process of Qualitative Data Collection
Qualitative data collection consists of collection data using forms with
Purposeful Sampling
In purposeful sampling, researchers intentionally select individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon. If you conduct your study and use purposeful sampling, you need to identify your sampling strategy and be able to defend its use.

Types of purposeful sampling:
1. Maximal variation sampling
2. Extreme case sampling
3. Typical sampling
4. Critical sampling
5. Homogeneous sampling
6. Theory or concept sampling
7. Opportunistic sampling
8. Snowball sampling
9. Confirming/ disconfirming sampling


aliyaa said…
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