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UAS ELT Textbook

Course              : ELT Textbook Instructor         : Dr. H. Adnan Zaid, M.Sc You are requested to do all the following exercises. Keep in mind that you have to work independently. Cheating is not tolerated. 1.       Tell about the development of digital textbooks in general and give some kind of prediction of their uses in the future 2.       How can you argue that English textbooks in Indonesia are not so conducive to teach English? Mention their insuffiency 3.       You are assigned to use a certain textbook for your classroom purpose. What steps will you make to make your textbook interesting to your students? 4.       What strategies will you apply to make your students fond of reading textbooks? 5.       How can you develop your own instruction...

UAS Varieties of English and ELT

Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S A.       Part one. Explain the following terms or statements 1.        English is a big international language. It has many varieties. Explain. 2.        Among the English varieties, the British and American English are the most important ones to learn. Do you agree? Why? Explain. 3.        In the United Kingdom the teachers are expected to help the learners acquire standard (British) English (SE); do you agree? Why? 4.        Australian English is influenced by the aborigines. Do you agree? Explain. B.       What would you do in ELT after you learn varieties of English and the policy of TEFL in Lebanon? Note: Do not forget to give proper citations and credits for other people’s ideas.

UAS Selected Literary Works and ELT

Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S Drs. Nuri Fainuddin, M.Hum In the class, seven literary works have been selected and discussed. The works are: NOVELS:              1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen                                 2. Kidnapped by RL Stevenson                                 3. The Old Man and The Sea by Earnest Hemingway PLAYS/DRAMAS:               1. Hamlet by W Shakespeare                           ...


By Much Deiniatur Nim. 11842004 ABSTRACT Textbook selection is important because the way of thinking, behaving, and output of the students is counting on the textbook chosen. The teacher and parents hold an important role in selecting the textbook. The textbooks must be appropriate for the standard age stage; kids, children and teenagers. For adults, they can choose the books which are appropriate to their need and interest. The youngest children who are from birth up to three years like to read book consist of simple words which can be easily understood by them, and a lot of picture. Children who are five to twelve years old like to read not only a story or book which has colorful pictures and simple language but also which consists of rhyme and repetition. Teenagers are children who are twelve to nineteen years old. They love reading a book whose some pictures are in it. Some books have pictures which are colorful no more for example science and social books. Adult...