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UAS Selected Literary Works and ELT

Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S
Drs. Nuri Fainuddin, M.Hum
In the class, seven literary works have been selected and discussed. The works are:
NOVELS:              1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
                                2. Kidnapped by RL Stevenson
                                3. The Old Man and The Sea by Earnest Hemingway

PLAYS/DRAMAS:              1. Hamlet by W Shakespeare
                                                2. Macbeth by W Shakespeare
                                                3. King Lear by  W Shakespeare
                                                4. Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

1.       Make a book review by choosing one of the seven works (containing the summary of the work, comments, etc) and give your comments in relation to ELT (English Language Teaching) in Indonesia.
2.       Make a book review by choosing one of the seven works (containing the summary of the work, comments, etc) and give your comments in relation to CBE (Character Building Education – pendidikan pembentukan karakter/watak) in Indonesia.

Note: Do not forget to give proper citations and credits for other people’s ideas.


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