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Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes that occurred in the period from about 1760 to sometime between 1820 and 1840, according to various historians. This transition included going from hand production methods to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes, improved efficiency of water power, the increasing use of steam power and development of machine tools. The transition also included the change from wood and other bio-fuels to coal. Some of these innovations were mechanical while others were based on applications of science and experimentation. The Industrial revolution began in Britain and within a few decades spread to Western Europe and the United States.
In the years before the beginning of the 18th century most of the goods were produced with the help of manual labour. In the beginning of the 18th century inventions revolutionised the manufacturing processes and gave the factory owners the capability to produce large quantities of goods in lesser time. Some of the inventions which made this possible included the discovery of coke for smelting iron, the steam hammer for hammering iron. Discovery of the ‘flying shuttle’ and the ‘Spinning Jenny’ mechanised the textile industry. Alongwith these developments came the building of locomotives, establishing of railways, building of bridges, etc. refinement and further development on these inventionscontinues till today. As these machines became popular, rich industrialist set up large factories to produce finished goods at a large scale. Since many people were required to run these machines, Jobs were in abundance. People from the countryside found employment in these factories and moved to the cities thus giving rise to industrial towns. In those days the textile factories employed mostly women and children because they could be paid less.
Compared to te villages the workers earned more money in the cities, but their standard of living was very poor. They lived in small towns which were cheaply built and lacked most of the basic amenities. Large families often lived in small houses which did not have a clean water supply and disease and death was a common thing among the 1833 the British Government banned child labour but failed to regulate the hours of work because most of the industrialist were paying less but demanding long working hours. This led to the formation of workers ‘Unions which fought for workers’ rights.       
The Industrial Revolution brought severe consequences to society. Factory owners, needing cheap, unskilled labor, profited greatly by using children and women to run the machines. By the age of 6, many children were already working 14 hours a day in factories. These kids had no free time to do anything else and earned low wages. Some got sick and died because of the toxic fumes, while others were severely injured and sometimes killed working at the dangerous machines in factories. Obviously, the Industrial Revolution had both good and bad sides.
“Industrial Revolution” the material from Prof. Dr. Bustami Subhan, M.S (lecturer’s hand-out) accessed in December 29th, 2012


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