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UAS: Children Language Acquisition

1.        From the way a child acquires grammar in his/her mother tongue, what lessons from this fenomenon can you apply when you teach English as a foreign language?
2.       When a child is in the process of acquiring his/her first language, he/she will encounter linguistic problems. What similar problems does a learner of a foreign language encounter when he/she is learning the foreign language?
3.       Learning from the way parents treat child who makes mistakes in the process of acquiring his/her language, how will you treat your students when they make mistakes while learning English?
4.      When a child is acquiring his/her mother tongue, he/she will get some difficulties in certain sounds. What sounds of English which cause Indonesians to have some problems while learning the language?
5.       How can you tell that the development of a child’s first language is in line with the development of his/her cognitive development? Back up your answer with some theories.
6.      Tell about the university in acquiring and learning a language. Mention things in common in learning and acquiring a language


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