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teaching English through selected literary works

In relation to simplified literary works, Subhan (2011:79) stated that (1) there are many simplified literary works in the United Kingdom and the United States that are produced and designed both for the activity of literary appreciation and English language teaching (ELT) and (2) after reaching the intermediate level and the advanced level the students will be able to read the original version of the literary works; the basic level can be regarded as a bridge or a stepping stone to jump or climb up.
There are some examples of simplified literary works that have been claimed to belong to Children’s Classics:
1.      Treasure Island
2.      Swiss Family Robinson
3.      Secret Garden
4.      A Journey to the Centre of the Earth
5.      The Three Musketeers
6.      A Tale of Two Cities
7.      Gulliver’s Travels
8.      The Lost World
9.      King Solomon’s Mines
10.  Around the World in Eighty days
11.  A Christmas Carol
12.  The Wind in the Willows
13.  The Last of the Mohicans
14.  The Happy Prince and other stories
15.    Lorna Doone
16.  Oliver Twist
17.  The Railway Children
18.  Kidnapped
19.  A Little Princess
20.  Black Beauty
21.  Alice in Wonderland
22.  Tom Sawyer
23.  Little Women
24.  Tales from the Jungle Book
25.  The Invisible Man
26.  Aladdin & his wonderful lamp
27.  Ali Baba & the forty thieves
28.  Robin Hood
29.  King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
30.  Malaysian Tales
31.  Ghostly Tales
32.  Dracula
33.  Frankenstein
34.  The Mummy
35.  The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
36.  Hound of the Baskervilles
37.  And many others.  

Subhan, Bustami. 2011.Practical Theories Of English Language Teaching and Learning.Yogyakarta:LPPDMF


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