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National graduation exam criteria

1.        Students passed the US / M SMP / MTs, SMPLB, SMA / MA, SMALB, and SMK if students  have met the graduation criteria established by the education units based on the acquisition score of S / M.
2.       Score  of S / M as mentioned in number 1 is obtained from:
a.       Combination of score of US / M and the average score of report cards semester 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for SMP / MTs and SMPLB with weighting of 60% for the US / M and 40% for the average score of report cards.
b.      Combination of score of US / M and the average score of the semester report cards 3, 4, and 5 for SMA / MA, and SMALB with weighting of 60% for the US/ M and 40% for the average score of report cards.
c.       Combination of score of US / M and the average score of the semester report cards from 1 to 5 to SMK with a weighting of 60% for the US/ M and 40% for the average report card.
3.       Graduation of students from the UN is determined based on the NA.
4.      Vocational Skill Competency score are:
a.       Combination of score and Vocational Skills Practice Exam Test the Theory Vocational evaluations, 70% for the Practice Exam Skills Vocational and 30% for the Vocational Skills Test Theory;
b.      Competence Vocational Skills Graduation criteria are minimum 6.0;
5.       NA as referred to in point number 3 is obtained from the combined score of S / M of subjects with UN score, with weighting 40% for the value of S / M from National exam subjects and 60% for UN score.
6.      Rounding the score of the combined score of S / M and grades are expressed in the form of two decimal, if the third decimal ≥ 5 then rounded up.
7.       Rounding the final score is expressed in the form of a decimal, if the decimal both ≥ 5 then rounded up.
8.      Students passed the examination if the average score of all NA as referred to in item number 5 to achieve the lowest 5.5 (five point five) and the score of each subject at a low 4.0 (four point zero).
9.      Graduation of students of the educational unit established by the educational unit through teachers' council meeting graduation criteria.

Graduation of students of the educational unit is determined by the educational unit
based on the Master Board meetings by using the following criteria:
A. complete the entire program of learning;
2. obtain the minimum value either on the final assessment for all subjects
group of religious subjects and noble character, a group of subjects
nationality and personality, the subject of aesthetics, and
physical subject groups, exercise, and health;
3. pass the school / madrasah for a group of science subjects
and technology, and
4. pass the National Exam


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