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Teching Method

A teaching method comprises the principles and methods used for instruction. Commonly used teaching methods may include class participation, demonstration, recitation, memorization, or combinations of these. The choice of teaching method or methods to be used depends largely on the information or skill that is being taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitude and enthusiasm of the students.
Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) refers to teaching English to students whose first language is not English. TEFL usually occurs in the student's own country, either within the state school system, or privately, e.g., in an after-hours language school or with a tutor. TEFL teachers may be native or non-native speakers of English.
Teaching English is a process to convey knowledge of English from teachers to students in some ways. First, teaching English as a first language. Second, teaching English as a foreign language. In indonesian, English is taught as a foreign language, because Indonesians do not speak English in their daily activities.
In an English course, there are four skills that must be taught by teachers, namely: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Reading activities needs accuracy to understand words in each paragraph so they know true information. Learners needs accuracy structure in arranges words in writing skills. listening needs accuracy in analyse what native speaker’s say. Speaking needs accuracy in pronounce English words and intonation. Reading is one of language skills. Teachers have to teach reading words, phrases, sentences, or texts in English. Reading skill is taught by teachers to make students have a lot of understanding of vocabulary.


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